Entering the Business World

Helping A Senior Parent Move Into Your Home

Having a senior parent transition from living at his or her own home into living with you can be complicated. There are many factors to consider, such as where to put all the furniture and how to pack things for storage. A local moving company can help make this transition a bit easier. Here are some tips you can use as you plan this transition for your parent.

Create A Labeling System

When packing your parent's belongings, you'll likely need to separate items based on where they will go. Some boxes may need to go into storage, and others might need to be donated to a local charity. Come up with a color-coded labeling system to assign a final destination to each box and piece of furniture. Give this information to the moving company so the staff can ensure each item gets to its intended destination. You can also hire the moving company to help with the packing process if it is too much for you to handle on your own.

Consider Furniture Placement

You'll need to determine where furniture will go in your parent's new bedroom, but you may also need to consider rearranging furniture in other rooms of the home. You may need to create a more accessible furniture layout to accommodate a wheelchair or walker. Work with your moving company ahead of time to include moving furniture inside your home as part of the move-in services. The movers can also help you clear out furniture from the spare bedroom and put it into storage if needed.

Take Emotions Into Account

Moving out of a lifelong home can be difficult for some people, so you want to keep this in mind on the day of the move. Your parent may want to remain in the home to ensure all of his or her personal possessions are treated with respect. Arrange to have a trusted friend or family member stay in the home with your parent to help keep things running smoothly. This leaves you free to supervise the transition at your home without having to worry about your parent. You might want to give your parent a specific task, such as checking off boxes on a list as they leave the home. Assigning a task can help serve as a distraction on what can be a very emotional day.

Install Safety Equipment

A full-service moving company can also help you install safety equipment in your home to make the space more accessible and convenient for your parent. Talk to the moving coordinator about adding grab bars, door alarms, and other home health equipment as part of the move. This can help ensure your home is ready for your parent the day he or she moves in with you, and it can also make moving day easier for everyone involved.

Learn more about what local movers can do for you today.