Entering the Business World

Why Writing an Executive-Level Resume Can Be Such a Challenge

You may have your sights set on that valuable executive-level position, but there is one little hurdle in your way that can seem like more of a mountain: crafting your executive-level resume. The resume seems like it should be such a simple document; the resume is a few pages that describe who you are, what you have done, and why you could be a good fit for a job position.

As simple as that whole idea can sound, it can be anything but simple when you get down to completing the task at hand. This is why so many people ask custom executive level resume builders for help. Here is a look at a few of the challenges you may face when generating a resume for an executive position. 

1. You need a good story mixed with valuable metrics to make an impression. 

The best resume should be a mixture of your story as a professional and the metrics that matter in a good job candidate in the eyes of a prospective employer. What does this mean exactly? It means you have to somehow strike a balance between filling he resume with information about yourself and filling the resume with key attributes and real numbers that stand out. For example, you may need to explain that you spent four years as a C-level executive at a well-known company, but you must also include some numbers to show how you brought value to that company. 

2. You have to know how to influence the human reviewers and the bots. 

In the modern-day, resumes are not just reviewed by some random HR representative to get passed along to the powers in charge if they look interesting. Resumes are often electronically scanned by resume reading software. This means what you create must pass both, and that can be a tough venture. Custom executive-level resume writers have the insight to know how to influence both types of resume readers: the human ones and the electronic ones. 

3. You can make simple mistakes when you have to talk about yourself. 

Talking about yourself is never easy when there is so much pressure on you to word everything right. You may have some pretty stellar and astounding accomplishments, but pulling that info together to explain who you are as a position candidate can force you to make some awkward mistakes. You don't want to sound boastful or conceited, but you still need to convey your strong points. It is usually better to have a professional help you through this process.